
Actuaries use strong mathematical skills to help businesses make strategic decisions related to risk management. Actuaries determine what insurance companies charge individuals for life, 汽车, 家庭和其他类型的保险. They assist companies in developing retirement plans. They work with banks to efficiently manage assets and liabilities. Actuaries are problem solvers who seek to reduce negative impacts associated with unfavorable events.

“The Carroll Culture is all about broadening your horizons through respect, 诚信和管理.”

——安迪·布朗 '21


About the 保险精算学 Major

Actuary is consistently ranked among the top jobs in the United States.

Actuaries are professionals who analyze financial risks of future events. 受过数学训练, 统计数据, 经济与金融, actuaries quantify these risks by building and evaluating mathematical models. Such analyses are essential for the success of businesses in areas such as insurance, 投资与员工福利. Actuaries are in high demand and command excellent salaries. It’s a growing field that offers job security, opportunities to advance quickly and the ability to work in a variety of industries.

准备好实现目标? 我们的课程重点关注你. 我们的结果令人印象深刻.

威尼斯游戏大厅 offers small classes with the benefits of personal attention. You’ll really get to know your professors and fellow classmates. Our core courses prepare you to successfully complete the first four actuary exams, making our program competitive with those found in larger institutions.

You’ll receive a broad and in-depth background in mathematics, 统计数据, finance and economics. Our program covers topics such as financial-economic models and their application to insurance and other financial risks. You’ll learn about fundamental probability tools in relation to actuarial science and how accounting data aids in management decision making. 作为精算专业的学生, 你会发展逻辑思维, quantitative reasoning and deductive analyses that will give you a competitive start in the profession.

Our students have established a remarkable record of success. Nearly all of those who complete the major have a job in the profession or a related profession upon graduation, often related to a full-time internship experience. The major develops skills that are useful in a wide variety of careers. Carroll partners with local companies to offer paid internships, including 100 hours of paid time to study for actuarial science exams.


  • Professors teach all classes; there are no teaching assistants.
  • Students have the opportunity to staff the mathematics center and tutor other students.
  • Students are prepared to take four exams, making Carroll competitive with all other programs.
  • Carroll's location ensures numerous social, cultural, internship and career networking opportunities.
  • Nearly all students with exams passed and an internship experience have an entry-level actuary job in hand before graduation.

除了主修, Carroll offers a minor in actuarial science that complements many areas of study:


威尼斯游戏大厅 has established educational partnerships with Milwaukee-based Milliman, Northwestern Mutual and 奥纬咨询. These high profile companies offer full- and part-time internship opportunities to our actuarial science majors. 福利包括:

  • Up to 16-credits can be earned in paid internships
  • An authentic experience in the actuary profession
  • Full-time internships offer 100 hours of paid study time during the internship to allow students to study for their next actuarial exam

Additional recent internship locations include:

  • 圣歌蓝十字蓝盾
  • 美国家庭保险
  • 自由相互 
  • 太平洋的生活


College is a big investment in a bright future. Learn more about the industries and careers our majors pursue, and the workplaces and experiences of the alumni from our program. 看看你的心会带你去哪里.



Carroll Logo over blurry basketball fans

NBA teams hire three actuarial science grads


校友Aaron Blackshear ' 03, Justin Jacobs ’03 and Mason Yahr ’16 find 威尼斯游戏大厅 to be "the official analytics feeder school of the NBA"

blurry business background with 奥纬咨询 logo

保险精算学 grads finding success


奥纬咨询, an international management consulting firm, counts numerous Carroll alumni among their 4,500名员工


“One of my deciding factors when choosing Carroll was its competitive financial aid package.”




